
Minister President is optimistic that there will be a solution
Holland supporting Aruba against boycott of our island from Alabama Governor

ORANJESTAD (AAN) –Wednesday morning, Mr. Nelson Oduber gave his statement to the press, related to the government position on the call for boycott that Alabama Governor Bob Riley is making in the US against Aruba and according to indications, joined by the mother of the young Natalee Holloway.

Minister President made it be known that Tuesday morning he got in contact with the Plenipotentiary Minister once again and spoke with him to approach the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Holland, Mr. Ben Bot, to speak with him about the whole situation that has arisen. The dignitary added that the Foreign Affairs of Holland has already sent two people, last Tuesday night, to the Embassy of the Kingdom in Washington so that Mr. Henry Baar goes to the State Department’s ‘Caribbean Desk’ who was to issue a position yesterday (Wednesday).

A little before the declaration took place, the mandatory received a call from the Minister of Antillean Affairs Pechtold who said that Aruba can count with 100% support from Holland and that they find what the Alabama Governor is doing incorrect.

In his capacity of Prime Minister, Mr. Nel Oduber finds Bob Riley’s declaration irresponsible, preposterous and ridiculous because this person has put Aruba on the same footing as Iran, Iraq, Cuba and North Korea in what relates to relations with the US.

Aruba, the mandatory underlined, is American’s friend and our country is within the Dutch Kingdom, whose system is older than the American one. He added that Mr. Ben Bot did his work and told his colleague Pechtold that he will do his work in America.

Minister President commented that he is satisfied because the government achieved its goal on the diplomatic front and now they are waiting as to how the American government will react.

The dignitary added that during these past days he received many calls not only from Arubans living in the U.S. but also from American friends, who condemn Mr. Riley’s attitude and they can’t believe that the governors of their state will do something similar.

Additionally, minister Oduber said that he has read the American press which asks Mr. Riley about all the people missing in Alabama and all the cases that have taken place there.

Minister President has the understanding that the Governor of Alabama is concerned about what has happened in Aruba, but he has to be worried about the Americans who are missing in his state and all of the U.S.

In any case, Premier Oduber feels that the developments are coming along positively and Mr. Henry Baar met with some members of the Alabama Congress and with Parliamentarian Edwin Jacobs contacted a Dutch person very friendly with the government who performed some work in Holland on behalf of the Aruban government.

The mandatory believes that at this moment, everything will return to normal, but the only aspect is that there isn’t an American Ambassador in Holland that Mr. Bot can approach on the diplomatic front, however he announced that yesterday afternoon the Consul General of the US in the Antilles and Aruba met with him, given that what has happened isn’t healthy for the relationship with the countries of the Kingdom.

According to the Prime Minister, in the region of the Caribbean, Aruba, Antilles, Barbados and Trinidad are the only islands that haven’t signed Petro-Caribe. They have a good relationship and understanding with the US and Premier Oduber hopes that the American Government tells Mr. Riley that he can have a political opinion in the campaign, but who is he to ask for a boycott of the people of a nation to kill a small country (touristically), such as Aruba?

The mandatory underlines that the American Government can never stand behind a boycott. He said that the United Nations is the one who can decide about a boycott for countries, like Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Iraq. But a government and not a State Governor has the authority to do so and it is certain that the American Government will distance itself from what is happening.

The information received could also be a basis for a meeting of Aruba’s parliament with other institutions mentioned in the letter.

[translated by Getagrip]