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Joran goes free at noontime yesterday

ORANJESTAD(AAN)--- The Aruban press was again discriminated against at KIA yesterday when they went to cover the exit of Joran v.d. Sloot from KIA.

They were present at KIA from 1 o’clock but Tele Aruba was inside already and they also permitted American journalists to go inside KIA, while they prohibited the Aruban journalists from entering and doing their jobs.

It could also be observed that at Joran’s exit that he lowered the car window every time there was an American journalist, but when passing by Aruban journalists, the window was closed to prevent us from taking his picture.

The photos here were taken from far showing the American journalists at the entrance of the KIA building and at the moment when Joran came out, taken with a long lens from more or less 100 meters away.

[translated by Getagrip]