
Editorial: Complexes and Envy: a bad combination!

In Aruba, everyone is aware that there is a big quantity of complexed people, and still more envious ones. What many people do not know is that the combination of both is twice as repugnant. An Aruban, for example, doesn’t have the same grade of acceptance for his merits like any citizen of other countries do, because the theory of the hemchi [basket?] full of crabs exists on our island.

If one of the crabs wants to grab them rim of the hemchi [basket?] to come out, the others pull it down! For them, it’s better to be mediocre than for any one of them to be successful! This is part of the mentality that is an obstacle to the total progress of Aruba.

The case of Natalee has categorically emphasized this concept. Those who have no opinion, or who do not want to give the opinion that they have, or are convinced that their opinion is worthless, refuse to voice it, but on the other hand criticize those who have to courage to do so.

It is the eternal negative human factor, without prosperity and without remedy. Instead of letting those who can contribute to a solution of the case, or at the very lease avoid the worst for Aruba, do their work in peace, the complexed and envious people employ their tongues as a destructive weapon that gives no respite or rest.

What they do not understand, because it cannot penetrate the small alley of their brains, is that a confrontational attitude is not going to help solve Natalee’s case, nor avoid a boycott against Aruba.

The People of America do not care one bit for the comparison of Natalee with the many thousands other cases in the US of youngsters who have disappeared. It is this case, the one of Natalee in particular, which has captured their attention, not the others, amen if they will be solved or not.

Are they by any chance not aware of them? The American People are very well informed as to what happens in their country and do not need anyone to remind them of all the cases that they seriously lament.

I feel for the families of these youngsters, and because there is nothing worse than losing a child, but the case of Natalee is the one that has the actual emphasis in the American media, along with others in similar or worse situations.

Closing your eyes to this reality is demonstrative of a level of stupidity more profound that can be imagined, and to go in a confrontation to try to bury that of Natalee comparing her with thousands of others that are missing in the US, proves this level.

With the three suspects having admitted that they had sexual relations with Natalee when she was temporarily unconscious, is categorical and in the Police records.

At such a time where a person is unconscious, they don’t have the capacity to consent to anything. And in our law, if I’m not mistaken, any sexual act that does not have the consent of both parties, is punishable by law. And this is just what happened with Natalee, who was submitted against her will (because she was unconscious) to sexual acts imposed upon her. That is to say, she was raped. There is no defense lawyer who can argue to the contrary.

I’m not going to waste time with envious people, and even less with complexed people, nor with their criticisms, and if they are looking for a debate for me to give them the importance that they do not have, let them lose hope because this is not going to happen.

The dogs can bark as much as they want; the caravan is destined to continue its way without interruption. I consider my time to be too valuable to lose one second with the people who do not even deserve my attention. As the Persian savant (Omar Khayam) said so many years ago in a paragraph of his Rubiyat:

And so the rooster sang, to those standing in front
In the tavern the shout “Open the door then!
“You know how little time we have left,
“And once we are gone, we will never be able to go back.”